What is a hybrid high school?
Our hybrid high school is a homeschool co-op with conventional features. We offer high school courses "a la carte" for homeschoolers . Students may register for just one or two courses to supplement their own curriculum/coursework at home, or they may register for everything we offer for a more conventional, university-style experience.

Can students participate in courses virtually?
Although in-person participation is preferred and encouraged, classrooms at the Mater Dei education center are equipped with the technology to be “virtual” classrooms. Students may participate in courses remotely if they choose, as outlined in our remote learning policy. All fees and expectations remain the same for these students. No special designation or additional steps are necessary upon registration. All students whether virtual, in-person, part-time or full-time, are required to participate in our Mater Dei community service project, in-person, on the first Friday of each month.

Can Wisconsin residents participate at Mater Dei?
Wisconsin residents may participate virtually in our program in order to retain their classification as homeschool students according to WI regulations (IV: 19-20).

What age does a student need to be in order to register at Mater Dei?
Prospective students must be age 14 by September 1st of the current year to register full-time in the Mater Dei education program. 8th grade students who wish to participate at Mater Dei will be allowed to register part-time only for math and science courses, pending the results of a family interview and academic assessment. Family interviews and academic assessments take place in step 2 of the registration process for all prospective students, regardless of age.

What responsibilities do parents have?
Parents are the primary educator of their child. They have the responsibility of overseeing the student’s work and keeping record of progress and grades. Parents who enroll with Kolbe Academy for transcript support are responsible for sending work samples and grades to Kolbe Academy for verification at the end of each semester. Parents are in charge of holding the student accountable for coursework and providing the necessary support, should they need additional resources. In addition, they are responsible for registering for courses and submitting the necessary forms and paperwork to their resident school district to comply with homeschool regulations. Mater Dei does not provide record keeping or transcript support for families.

What responsibilities do the instructors have?
Instructors are in charge of all direct instruction on-site at the Mater Dei education center. They teach the courses fully, including instruction, assignments and grading. They expect students to learn the material assigned through independent practice and homework. Instructors provide feedback to students and their parents regarding their progress in each course. Instructors assign a grade at the end of each semester, which the parent is then responsible for filing within their own homeschool records, or reporting to Kolbe Academy.

What support/resources does Mater Dei Apostolate provide?
In addition to on-site instruction from qualified educators, Mater Dei Apostolate provides a supportive community for high schoolers and their families. With parent meetings, information about forms and paperwork, and reminders on deadlines, parents can have confidence they will stay on track as the primary educator of their child. If a parent has a question, we will help find the answer. The student peer community participates in team building activities such as community service, pilgrimages and a variety of enrichment elective courses. In addition, students have the opportunity for daily Mass and regularly scheduled Adoration.

If a homeschooling family has its own system for record keeping and transcripts, must they enroll with Kolbe Academy?
If you are confident in keeping your own records and transcripts for courses and are not interested in Kolbe Academy resources or support, then Kolbe Academy enrollment is not necessary. This may be a desirable option for experienced homeschool families who are interested in taking only one or two courses at Mater Dei. However, enrollment with Kolbe Academy is recommended for most families, especially those who are new to homeschooling. Kolbe Academy is a tremendous resource for providing individualized guidance and support all the way through high school graduation. Mater Dei Apostolate does not provide record keeping or transcript support for courses.

Will students graduate with a diploma and be prepared for college?
Students who follow the full curriculum as laid out by Mater Dei will graduate with a college preparatory high school diploma that exceeds the Minnesota Department of Education graduation requirements. The Mater Dei curriculum provides an academically challenging course of study while allowing for flexibility if needed. Students may choose to fulfill basic graduation requirements only, follow an alternative path, or tailor their course of study for a particular prospective college, utilizing Mater Dei for whichever courses fall in line with the educational path they are pursuing.

Can students utilize the Mater Dei education center to do self-guided coursework?
Students who are registered full-time at Mater Dei (4 or more full-year courses) have a designated area they may use for individual studies that do not line up with the Mater Dei curriculum. These accommodations are provided for full-time students only. Part-time students (1-3 full-year courses) may utilize the Mater Dei education center only for the specific courses they are registered for.

What options are there for self-guided courses if a student is not interested in a particular offering at Mater Dei?
Homeschool students have the freedom to take courses from whatever source they choose, whether that be through a different homeschool curriculum, online courses or classes at a different facility. Any high school level course that fulfills the requirements for a particular Kolbe diploma may be substituted on the student’s transcripts. Kolbe Academy itself offers a wide variety of online and self-paced courses for a reasonable fee. As primary educators, parents have complete control over their child’s schedule.

Can students take courses at their local public school?
Homeschool students in Minnesota are eligible to take non-elective core courses in their local public school, as defined by law in Minnesota statutes, section 126C.19. Local policy determines which courses are eligible, capacity limitations, and other factors affecting eligibility to enroll. Contact your local public school to inquire about enrollment for specific courses.

Are students eligible for special education services at their local public school?
State and federal law protects the right of homeschool students to receive special education services from the student’s resident public district, as defined by law in Minnesota statutes, section 125A.03. Contact your local public school guidance counselor to discuss the student’s particular needs.

Are students eligible to participate in Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO)?
All Minnesota 11th and 12th graders (and in some cases, 10th graders) are eligible to participate in PSEO, whether they attend public, private or home school. The flexibility of the Mater Dei education program makes it easy for families to tailor the high school experience to their individual child. As primary educators, parents have complete control over their child’s schedule. For campus-specific PSEO registration information, check out University of Minnesota Duluth, Lake Superior College and the College of Saint Scholastica.

Is there sporting or athletic opportunities?
Homeschool students are permitted to participate in their resident public school athletics and extra curricular activities. See our athletics page for more details.

Is there accountability for students?
Attendance is taken at the beginning of each class period. If a registered student is not present, the parent is notified. Full-time students are not allowed off site for lunch unless given parental consent to do so. Part-time students are only allowed in the Mater Dei education center if they are registered for a class or activity for that time period.

What safety measures are in place?
The Mater Dei is working with Queen of Peace to install a high quality Access Control System with video intercom and a high definition camera system to monitor activities at all interior and exterior locations. Footage will be recorded and can be accessed remotely by authorized staff. Mater Dei Apostolate staff and any volunteers working with youth in conjunction with Mater Dei Apostolate are cleared with a background check and complete the Catholic Mutual Group Safe Environment Training.

What are the hours of operation each day?
The Mater Dei Apostolate education center is open from 8:00am-3:20pm Monday-Thursday. Our yearly calendar coincides with the Cloquet Public Schools for most breaks and for cancellations due to inclement weather.

Is there bussing or transportation available?
Parents are responsible for transportation of students to and from the Mater Dei education center.

Is there be a lunch program?
Mater Dei Apostolate does not offer a lunch program for participating students. Students are responsible for bringing their own lunch each day. There are microwaves available for use at the education center.

Are uniforms required?
Students participating in the Mater Dei education program are required to wear clothing in accordance with the guidelines of the Mater Dei uniform policy. Men’s uniform guide can be found here. Women’s uniform guide can be found here. Students participating in courses virtually are required to wear the official Mater Dei Apostolate polo when they are on webcam.

Can non-Catholic students participate?
Mater Dei Apostolate welcomes all students to participate, regardless of religion. Although our curriculum is based on a Catholic world view, there is much benefit that can be derived from a classical approach to education in general, regardless of faith. We seek to renew the world with young adults who have high educational, moral, civic and spiritual values. This philosophy applies to Catholics and non-Catholics alike, and will benefit our society as a whole. It should be noted, however, that the propagation of our Catholic faith is at the heart of our apostolate. The Catholic faith is lived out and embraced daily through various prayers and practices among the students. All registered students are expected to act in accordance with Christian principles and show respect and deference for our Catholic faith and traditions.

Why are students required to participate in one service project per month?
All students whether virtual, in-person, part-time or full-time are required to participate in the Mater Dei community service project in-person, once per month. As a large group, students learn how to work together as a team and build positive relationships while serving the community and those in need. The monthly project is an opportunity to bring all students together, regardless of registration status, thereby facilitating a sense of community among all students in the Mater Dei education program. The required monthly service projects take place on the first Friday of each month and they are finished before noon.