Mater Dei students attend an annual semi-formal dinner event—Mater Dei in the Night—at Greysolon Ballroom in Duluth. The dinner party is like a live-action version of the game Clue!, with a mysterious murder at the center of the story. Each student is assigned a fictitious character and instructed to remain “in the personality of their character” throughout the evening, which consists of guided activities and clues to potential motives of various guests. Partway through the evening, the murder victim is revealed and the sleuthing commences to figure out “who done it”. When the mystery is solved, the criminal is handcuffed and prizes are given. It is a fun event to build community among the students and celebrate the school year. We are so excited for our next Mater Dei in the Night! There may even be a new twist added in. Dun dun dun….